TYPO3 – Render extension plugin output via Typoscript: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Falishia - hkhazo.biz.id

TYPO3 – Render extension plugin output via Typoscript: A Step-by-Step Guide

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TYPO3 is an incredibly powerful and flexible Content Management System (CMS) that offers a wide range of features and functionalities. One of the most useful features of TYPO3 is its ability to create custom extensions that can be used to add new functionality to your website. However, once you’ve created an extension, you need to be able to render its output on your website. That’s where Typoscript comes in – a powerful scripting language that allows you to customize the output of your TYPO3 website.

What is Typoscript?

Before we dive into rendering extension plugin output via Typoscript, let’s take a quick look at what Typoscript is. Typoscript is a scripting language that is used to configure and customize the output of a TYPO3 website. It’s used to define how content is displayed, how plugins are rendered, and how templates are processed. Typoscript is an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to customize almost every aspect of your TYPO3 website.

Why Use Typoscript to Render Extension Plugin Output?

So, why would you want to use Typoscript to render extension plugin output? The answer is simple – Typoscript provides a high degree of flexibility and customization. By using Typoscript, you can precisely control how your extension plugin output is rendered, allowing you to create complex and customized layouts that meet the specific needs of your website.

Step 1: Create a New Typoscript Template

The first step in rendering extension plugin output via Typoscript is to create a new Typoscript template. To do this, navigate to the “Template” module in the TYPO3 backend and click on the “Create new template” button.

# create a new template
template = mytemplate

[globalVar = GP:tx_myextension_pi1 = 1]
  config {
    plugin.tx_myextension_pi1 {
      view {
        templateRootPaths.10 = EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates/

Step 2: Define the Plugin Output

In this step, we’ll define the plugin output using Typoscript. We’ll create a new Typoscript object that will render the output of our extension plugin.

lib.mypluginoutput = CONTENT
lib.mypluginoutput {
  table = tx_myextension_domain_model_plugin
  select {
    pidInList = 1
  renderObj = COA
  renderObj {
    10 = TEXT
    10.value = 

My Plugin Output

20 = PLUGIN 20 { plugin { myextension_pi1 = USER myextension_pi1 { userFunc = tx_myextension_pi1->main } } } } }

Step 3: Render the Plugin Output

Now that we’ve defined the plugin output, we need to render it on our website. We’ll do this by creating a new Typoscript object that will render the plugin output.

page.10 {
  template = FILE
  template.file =EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates/MyTemplate.html
  variables {
    pluginoutput = lib.mypluginoutput

Step 4: Add the Plugin Output to Your Website

The final step is to add the plugin output to your website. We’ll do this by creating a new content element that will render the plugin output.

Navigate to the “Page” module in the TYPO3 backend and create a new content element. Select the “Fluid Template” content element type and enter the following code:

Best Practices for Rendering Extension Plugin Output via Typoscript

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when rendering extension plugin output via Typoscript:

  • Always use a unique Typoscript object name to avoid conflicts with other extensions.
  • Use the “plugin” Typoscript object to render plugin output, rather than the “CONTENT” object.
  • Use the “COA” (Content Object Array) renderer to render plugin output, rather than the “TEXT” renderer.
  • Always define the plugin output in a separate Typoscript file to keep your code organized.
  • Use meaningful variable names to make your code easy to read and understand.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common issues you may encounter when rendering extension plugin output via Typoscript, along with their solutions:

Issue Solution
The plugin output is not rendering on my website. Check that the Typoscript template is correctly configured and that the plugin output is being rendered in the correct context.
The plugin output is not being cached. Check that the caching configuration is correctly set up in the Typoscript template.
The plugin output is not being rendered in the correct language. Check that the language configuration is correctly set up in the Typoscript template.


Rendering extension plugin output via Typoscript is a powerful way to customize the output of your TYPO3 website. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create complex and customized layouts that meet the specific needs of your website. Remember to always follow best practices and troubleshoot any common issues that you may encounter.

TYPO3 is an incredibly powerful and flexible CMS that offers a wide range of features and functionalities. By mastering Typoscript, you can unlock the full potential of TYPO3 and create truly bespoke websites that meet the specific needs of your clients.

Now, get out there and start rendering some extension plugin output via Typoscript!

Frequently Asked Question

Typeo3 experts, assemble! Are you ready to dive into the world of Render extension plugin output via Typoscript? Let’s get started!

How do I render an extension’s plugin output using Typoscript?

You can render an extension’s plugin output using Typoscript by creating a CONTENT object and assigning the plugin’s output to it. For example: `lib.myExtension = CONTENT lib.myExtension < plugin.tx_myextension_pi1`

What is the purpose of the `plugin.tx_` prefix in the Typoscript code?

The `plugin.tx_` prefix is used to specify that the plugin’s output should be rendered. `tx` stands for “typo3” and is a convention to identify Typo3 extensions.

Can I pass arguments to the plugin using Typoscript?

Yes, you can pass arguments to the plugin using Typoscript by adding them to the plugin’s configuration. For example: `lib.myExtension = CONTENT lib.myExtension < plugin.tx_myextension_pi1 { myArgument = 'value' }`

How do I render multiple plugins’ output using Typoscript?

You can render multiple plugins’ output by creating separate CONTENT objects for each plugin and combining them using the `wrap` or `append` functions. For example: `lib.myExtension = CONTENT lib.myExtension < plugin.tx_myextension_pi1 lib.myOtherExtension < plugin.tx_myotherextension_pi1`

Can I use Typoscript to render plugins from different extensions?

Yes, you can use Typoscript to render plugins from different extensions by specifying the extension key in the plugin’s configuration. For example: `lib.myExtension = CONTENT lib.myExtension < plugin.tx_myextension_pi1 { extensionKey = 'my_extension' }`

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