The Mysterious Case of Github Actions: Solving the “Github Action Does Not Trigger When Merging a Pull Request on a Different Branch than ‘main'” Conundrum
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The Mysterious Case of Github Actions: Solving the “Github Action Does Not Trigger When Merging a Pull Request on a Different Branch than ‘main'” Conundrum

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your Github Action refuses to trigger when merging a pull request on a branch other than ‘main’? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has plagued developers for far too long, leaving many to question the very fabric of the Github universe. Fear not, dear reader, for today we embark on a journey to unravel the mystery behind this enigmatic error.

The Symptom: Github Action Doesn’t Trigger

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first identify the symptoms of this issue. When you merge a pull request on a branch other than ‘main’, your Github Action fails to trigger. This can be particularly frustrating when you’re relying on automation to deploy your application or run critical tests.

Here’s an example scenario:

  • You create a new branch, ‘feature/new-checkbox’, and make some changes to your code.
  • You create a pull request to merge ‘feature/new-checkbox’ into ‘develop’.
  • You then merge the pull request, expecting your Github Action to trigger and run the necessary tasks.
  • However, to your surprise, the Github Action remains silent, failing to trigger despite the successful merge.

The Culprit: Github Actions’ Default Behavior

So, what’s behind this baffling behavior? The answer lies in Github Actions’ default configuration. By default, Github Actions only trigger on the ‘main’ branch. This means that any changes made to other branches, including pull requests, will not trigger your action.

To illustrate this, let’s take a look at a typical Github Actions workflow file:

name: My Workflow

      - main
      - main

In this example, the workflow is configured to trigger on push and pull request events, but only for the ‘main’ branch. This is why your Github Action doesn’t trigger when merging a pull request on a different branch.

The Solution: Configuring Github Actions to Trigger on Multiple Branches

Now that we’ve identified the culprit, it’s time to implement a solution. To trigger your Github Action on multiple branches, you’ll need to modify your workflow file to include the additional branches. Here’s an updated example:

name: My Workflow

      - main
      - develop
      - feature/*
      - main
      - develop
      - feature/*

In this updated workflow, we’ve added the ‘develop’ branch and a wildcard pattern for any branch starting with ‘feature/’. This will trigger the Github Action on push and pull request events for these specified branches.

Using Wildcard Patterns

As demonstrated above, you can use wildcard patterns to match multiple branches. This can be particularly useful when working with feature branches or release branches that follow a specific naming convention.

Here are some examples of wildcard patterns:

  • feature/*: Matches any branch starting with ‘feature/’, such as ‘feature/new-checkbox’ or ‘feature/improved-ui’.
  • release-v*: Matches any branch starting with ‘release-v’, such as ‘release-v1.0’ or ‘release-v2.0-beta’.
  • hotfix-*: Matches any branch starting with ‘hotfix-‘, such as ‘hotfix-security-patch’ or ‘hotfix-bug-fix’

Specifying Multiple Branches

If you prefer to explicitly specify multiple branches, you can do so by separating them with commas:

name: My Workflow

      - main
      - develop
      - staging
      - production
      - main
      - develop
      - staging
      - production

In this example, the Github Action will trigger on push and pull request events for the ‘main’, ‘develop’, ‘staging’, and ‘production’ branches.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore some common scenarios and their solutions:

Scenario 1: Triggering on Multiple Branches with the Same Workflow

Q: Can I trigger the same workflow on multiple branches?

A: Yes! You can modify your workflow file to include multiple branches, as demonstrated earlier.

Scenario 2: Triggering Different Workflows on Different Branches

Q: Can I trigger different workflows on different branches?

A: Yes! You can create separate workflow files for each branch, each with its own unique configuration. For example, you might have a main.yml workflow for the ‘main’ branch and a develop.yml workflow for the ‘develop’ branch.

Scenario 3: Excluding Certain Branches from Triggering

Q: Can I exclude certain branches from triggering my workflow?

A: Yes! You can use the branches-ignore keyword to specify branches that should not trigger your workflow. For example:

name: My Workflow

      - main
      - develop
      - docs
      - legacy

In this example, the workflow will trigger on push events for the ‘main’ and ‘develop’ branches, but not for the ‘docs’ or ‘legacy’ branches.

Scenario Solution
Triggering on multiple branches with the same workflow Modify the workflow file to include multiple branches
Triggering different workflows on different branches Create separate workflow files for each branch
Excluding certain branches from triggering Use the branches-ignore keyword


The “Github Action does not trigger when merging a pull request on a different branch than ‘main'” conundrum is a common issue that can be resolved with a few simple configuration changes. By understanding Github Actions’ default behavior and modifying your workflow file to include additional branches, you can ensure that your automation tasks trigger correctly, regardless of the branch.

Remember to use wildcard patterns, specify multiple branches explicitly, and exclude certain branches from triggering as needed. With these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Github Actions and streamlining your development workflow.

Additional Resources

For further reading and exploration, we recommend checking out the following resources:

Happy coding, and may your Github Actions trigger with ease!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on why your Github Action isn’t triggering when you merge a pull request on a different branch than ‘main’!

Q: Why doesn’t my Github Action trigger when I merge a pull request on a different branch than ‘main’?

A: By default, Github Actions are configured to trigger on the ‘main’ branch only. If you want to trigger an action on a different branch, you need to specify that branch in your workflow file.

Q: How do I specify a different branch in my workflow file?

A: You can specify a different branch by adding a `push` or `pull_request` trigger with the `branches` filter in your workflow file. For example: `on: [push: branches: [feature/*]]` or `on: [pull_request: branches: [feature/*]]`.

Q: Can I trigger an action on multiple branches?

A: Yes, you can trigger an action on multiple branches by listing them in the `branches` filter. For example: `on: [push: branches: [feature/*, dev/*]]`.

Q: Will my action trigger on the ‘main’ branch if I specify a different branch in my workflow file?

A: No, if you specify a different branch, your action will only trigger on that branch, not on the ‘main’ branch. If you want to trigger an action on multiple branches, including ‘main’, you need to list them separately in the `branches` filter.

Q: What if I want to trigger an action on any branch, not just a specific one?

A: You can use a wildcard `*` to trigger an action on any branch. For example: `on: [push: branches: [*]]` or `on: [pull_request: branches: [*]]`. This will trigger the action on any branch, not just ‘main’ or a specific branch.

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