Migrate ADO Project from One to Another New Project in the Same Organisation: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Falishia - hkhazo.biz.id

Migrate ADO Project from One to Another New Project in the Same Organisation: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the complexities of Azure DevOps (ADO) project migration? Do you want to transfer your ADO project to a new project in the same organisation without losing valuable data and configurations? You’re in luck! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of migrating an ADO project from one to another new project in the same organisation. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

Pre-Migration Checklist

Before you start the migration process, make sure you’ve got the following essentials covered:

  • Administrative access to both the source and target ADO projects
  • Familiarity with Azure DevOps and its features
  • A clear understanding of the project structure and dependencies
  • Backup of the source project (just in case!)

Step 1: Prepare the Target Project

Create a new ADO project in the same organisation, which will serve as the target project. This new project should have the same process model as the source project to ensure a smooth transition.

Follow these steps to create a new ADO project:

  1. Sign in to your Azure DevOps organisation
  2. Click on the “New Project” button
  3. Enter the project name, description, and other required details
  4. Select the process model that matches your source project
  5. Choose the Agile or Scrum template, depending on your project requirements
  6. Click “Create Project” to create the new target project

Step 2: Export Work Items from the Source Project

In this step, you’ll export the work items from the source project to a CSV file. This file will serve as a blueprint for importing the work items into the target project.

Follow these steps to export work items:

  1. Navigate to the source project in Azure DevOps
  2. Click on the “Work” hub
  3. Click on the “Queries” tab
  4. Create a new query or modify an existing one to include all the work items you want to export
  5. Click on the “Export” button
  6. Select “CSV” as the export format
  7. Choose the fields you want to export (e.g., ID, Title, Description, Tags, etc.)
  8. Click “Export” to download the CSV file

Step 3: Import Work Items into the Target Project

In this step, you’ll import the work items from the CSV file into the target project. This will create new work items in the target project with the same details as the source project.

Follow these steps to import work items:

  1. Navigate to the target project in Azure DevOps
  2. Click on the “Work” hub
  3. Click on the “Imports” tab
  4. Click on the “New Import” button
  5. Select the CSV file you exported in Step 2
  6. Choose the work item type (e.g., Tasks, User Stories, Bugs, etc.)
  7. Map the columns in the CSV file to the corresponding fields in the target project
  8. Click “Import” to start the import process

Step 4: Migrate Repositories and Code

In this step, you’ll migrate the repositories and code from the source project to the target project. This will involve creating a new repository in the target project and importing the code from the source project.

Follow these steps to migrate repositories and code:

  1. Navigate to the source project in Azure DevOps
  2. Click on the “Repos” hub
  3. Click on the repository you want to migrate
  4. Click on the “Clone” button
  5. Copy the clone URL
  6. Navigate to the target project in Azure DevOps
  7. Click on the “Repos” hub
  8. Click on the “New Repository” button
  9. Enter the repository name and description
  10. Paste the clone URL from the source project
  11. Click “Create” to create the new repository

Step 5: Configure Pipelines and Build Definitions

In this step, you’ll configure the pipelines and build definitions in the target project to match the source project.

Follow these steps to configure pipelines and build definitions:

  1. Navigate to the source project in Azure DevOps
  2. Click on the “Pipelines” hub
  3. Click on the pipeline you want to migrate
  4. Click on the “Edit” button
  5. Copy the YAML definition of the pipeline
  6. Navigate to the target project in Azure DevOps
  7. Click on the “Pipelines” hub
  8. Click on the “New Pipeline” button
  9. Paste the YAML definition from the source project
  10. Click “Save” to create the new pipeline

In this final step, you’ll update the links and references to the new project in the target organisation.

Follow these steps to update links and references:

  1. Update any external links or references to the new project URL
  2. Update any internal links or references to point to the new project
  3. Notify team members and stakeholders about the project migration

Post-Migration Checklist

After completing the migration process, make sure to:

  • Verify that all work items, repositories, and pipelines have been migrated successfully
  • Test the new project to ensure everything is working as expected
  • Update any dependencies or integrations to point to the new project
  • Monitor the new project for any issues or errors


Migrating an ADO project from one to another new project in the same organisation can be a complex process, but with the right guidance, it can be a seamless transition. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to transfer your ADO project to a new project without losing valuable data and configurations. Remember to take your time, be patient, and test everything thoroughly to ensure a successful migration.

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

- task: NodeTool@0
  displayName: 'Install Node.js'
    version: '14.17.0'

- task: Npm@1
  displayName: 'Install dependencies'
    command: 'install'

- task: Npm@1
  displayName: 'Run tests'
    command: 'test'
Step Description
1 Prepare the target project
2 Export work items from the source project
3 Import work items into the target project
4 Migrate repositories and code
5 Configure pipelines and build definitions
6 Update links and references

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to migrate your ADO project to a new project in the same organisation, ensuring a seamless transition for your team and stakeholders. Happy migrating!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Migrate ADO project from to another New Project in Same Organisation”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to migrate your ADO project to a new project in the same organization without a hitch!

What are the preliminary steps I should take before migrating my ADO project?

Before migrating your ADO project, it’s essential to take a backup of your project, identify the dependencies, and ensure that all necessary stakeholders are informed. Additionally, review the new project’s configurations, permissions, and settings to ensure a seamless transition.

How do I migrate my ADO project’s work items, such as tasks and bugs, to the new project?

You can use Azure DevOps’ built-in feature, “Move to project”, to migrate your work items from the old project to the new one. This feature allows you to bulk update and move work items, including tasks, bugs, and other work item types, to the new project.

What about my project’s repositories, pipelines, and artifacts? How do I migrate those?

For repositories, you can use Git to clone the repository in the new project. For pipelines, you can recreate them in the new project, or use the “Export” and “Import” features to migrate them. Artifacts can be downloaded from the old project and uploaded to the new project.

How do I handle permissions and access control when migrating my ADO project?

When migrating your ADO project, make sure to review the new project’s permissions and access control settings. You may need to add or remove users, update group memberships, and adjust permission levels to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the new project.

What are some best practices to keep in mind when migrating my ADO project to a new project?

Some best practices to keep in mind when migrating your ADO project include planning carefully, communicating with stakeholders, testing thoroughly, and having a rollback strategy in place in case something goes wrong. Additionally, take this opportunity to review and optimize your project’s configurations and processes to improve overall efficiency.

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