The Mysterious Case of os.listdir() on Samba Folders: Unraveling the “Invalid Signature” Enigma
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The Mysterious Case of os.listdir() on Samba Folders: Unraveling the “Invalid Signature” Enigma

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” error when trying to list the contents of a Samba folder using Python’s os.listdir() function? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the root cause of this issue, explore the possible solutions, and provide you with a comprehensive guide to overcome this hurdle.

What’s the Problem?

The os.listdir() function is a built-in Python method used to list the files and directories within a specified path. However, when attempting to use this function on a Samba folder, you may encounter the “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” error. This error is not only cryptic but also infuriating, as it prevents you from accessing the contents of the Samba folder.

What is Samba?

Samba is a free and open-source software that allows Windows, macOS, and Linux systems to share files and printers over a network. It provides a compatible alternative to Windows File and Printer Sharing. Samba folders are essentially network shared folders that can be accessed by multiple users and devices.

The Culprit: SMBv1 and Windows 10

The primary cause of the “Invalid Signature” error lies in the version of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol used by Samba. SMBv1, the older version of the protocol, has been disabled by default in Windows 10 due to security concerns. This change affects how Samba folders are accessed, leading to the “Invalid Signature” error when using os.listdir().

SMBv1: The Security Risks

SMBv1 has been plagued by security vulnerabilities, including the notorious WannaCry ransomware attack. To mitigate these risks, Microsoft disabled SMBv1 in Windows 10, forcing users to adopt more secure protocols like SMBv2 or SMBv3.

Solutions to the “Invalid Signature” Error

Luckily, there are several workarounds to overcome the “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” error. We’ll explore each solution in detail, providing you with code examples and explanations.

One possible solution is to re-enable SMBv1 on Windows 10. However, this approach is not recommended due to the security risks associated with SMBv1. If you still want to try this method, follow these steps:

  • Press the Windows key + S to open the Search bar.
  • Type “features” and click on “Turn Windows features on or off” in the search results.
  • Scroll down and check the box next to “SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support”.
  • Click “OK” to save the changes.

Warning: Enabling SMBv1 can make your system vulnerable to security attacks. Proceed with caution!

Solution 2: Use the pywin32 Library

The pywin32 library provides an alternative to os.listdir() that works with Samba folders. You can use the win32com.client module to connect to the Samba share and list its contents. Here’s an example code snippet:

import win32com.client

# Connect to the Samba share
net = win32com.client.Dispatch('WScript.Network')

# Specify the Samba share path
samba_share = '\\\\samba_server\\share'

# Connect to the Samba share
net.MapNetworkDrive('Z:', samba_share)

# List the contents of the Samba share
import os
files_and_dirs = os.listdir('Z:')

# Remove the network drive mapping

Solution 3: Use the smbclient Library

The smbclient library is a Python interface to the Samba client tools. It provides a more straightforward way to access Samba shares and list their contents. First, install the smbclient library using pip:

pip install smbclient

Then, use the following code snippet to list the contents of the Samba share:

import smbclient

# Specify the Samba share path
samba_share = '\\\\samba_server\\share'

# Connect to the Samba share
with smbclient.open_file(samba_share, 'r') as f:
    files_and_dirs = f.listdir()

Solution 4: Use the paramiko Library

The paramiko library provides a secure way to access remote systems using SSH. You can use it to connect to the Samba server and list the contents of the share. First, install the paramiko library using pip:

pip install paramiko

Then, use the following code snippet to list the contents of the Samba share:

import paramiko

# Specify the Samba server's IP address and credentials
samba_server = ''
username = 'username'
password = 'password'

# Connect to the Samba server using SSH
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(samba_server, username=username, password=password)

# List the contents of the Samba share
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('ls /shared/folder')
files_and_dirs =

# Close the SSH connection

Comparison of Solutions

To help you choose the best solution for your needs, we’ve created a comparison table highlighting the pros and cons of each approach:

Solution Pros Cons
Solution 1: Enable SMBv1 Easy to implement Security risks, not recommended
Solution 2: Use pywin32 Works on Windows, easy to use Windows-specific, requires pywin32 installation
Solution 3: Use smbclient Cross-platform, easy to use Requires smbclient installation, may not work with older Samba versions
Solution 4: Use paramiko Secure, cross-platform Requires SSH access to Samba server, more complex setup


In this article, we’ve explored the mysterious case of the “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” error when using os.listdir() on Samba folders. We’ve delved into the root cause of the issue, examined the possible solutions, and provided you with a comprehensive guide to overcome this hurdle. By choosing the best solution for your needs, you can successfully list the contents of Samba folders using Python.

Remember, when working with Samba shares, security should always be a top priority. Be sure to choose a solution that balances functionality with security considerations.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the dreaded “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” when trying to use os.listdir on a Samba folder? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

What is the “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” error, and why does it happen when I use os.listdir on a Samba folder?

This error occurs when the SMB protocol used to connect to the Samba folder encounters an invalid signature. This can happen due to various reasons, including incorrect SMB signing settings, corrupted network packets, or even a misconfigured Samba server. When os.listdir tries to access the Samba folder, it’s unable to verify the signature, resulting in the OSError.

How can I fix the “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” error when using os.listdir on a Samba folder?

One possible solution is to disable SMB signing on the Samba server or the client machine. You can do this by adding the “smb signing = disabled” option to the Samba configuration file or by setting the corresponding registry key on Windows. Alternatively, you can try using the `pywin32` library, which provides an alternative way to access Samba shares that doesn’t rely on SMB signing.

Is there a way to bypass the “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” error without modifying the Samba server or client settings?

Yes, you can use the `impersonate` module from the `pywin32` library to impersonate a user with the necessary privileges to access the Samba share. This allows you to bypass the SMB signing requirements and access the share using the impersonated user’s credentials. Keep in mind that this approach requires the `pywin32` library and proper configuration.

Can I use the `os.listdir` function with a UNC path instead of a mapped drive to access the Samba folder?

Yes, you can use a UNC path (e.g., `\\sambaserver\share\`) instead of a mapped drive to access the Samba folder. However, this approach requires the `os` module to use the correct authentication credentials to access the share. You may need to use the `netuse` command to establish a connection to the Samba server before using `os.listdir` with the UNC path.

Are there any alternative libraries or approaches that can help me avoid the “OSError: [WinError -2146893818] Invalid Signature” error when working with Samba folders?

Yes, you can use alternative libraries such as `smbclient` or `pysmb` to access Samba shares. These libraries provide a more Pythonic way to interact with Samba shares and might be more reliable than using `os.listdir`. Additionally, you can consider using other network protocols, like NFS or FTP, to access the share, depending on your specific requirements.